Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fun Movement

So today messing around with my camera, I really got into the long shutter speed. So I tinkered with different things and here are the results. I really like the light ones. I just changed the time and moved the clock. I thought that was really different and unique. These were so much fun to take, and some of my favorites I have ever taken. I'm going to post more of these tomorrow so thanks for stopping by.

Thanks. Aves.


  1. Thanks for commenting and following me.
    You have some AWESOME work!

    In answer to your questions;
    I use a FujiFilm Finepix S9100,
    I do not edit any of my pictures (except cropping, auto-enhancing, or other very minor stuff) but when I do, I use Arcsoft PhotoImpression.
    And yes I just turned 15!

    Thanks again for your wonderful comments. It is so cool that I have an Avery that is a follower, AND likes photography.
    I look foreward to hearing and seeing more from you and getting some feedback as well.

  2. lol, you're funny!
    I like the effect on your fingers
