hi. i need to do this more.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
American Kestrel on The Rock
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
So I went to the Beatle's Love show in Vegas. And believe it or not I had never really listened to the Beatle's cause I was one of those "I only like hip music and stuff" people. Anyways, I went not expecting much and saw the best show of my life. It was amazing. I can't even describe it. The dances were amazingly choreographed to the music. The story plot of theme was unbelievable. It made me shed tears (not really, but close enough). I had my camera but I really don't like to have expensive things out and about in crowded casinos in Vegas because...then something is bound to happen. So I took them really fast and without aiming and stuff. So not good images, but good memories!
Also, I feel it necessary to share my favorite Beatle's Songs so you should too!
1) Eleanor Rigby (Duh, isn't that everyone's favorite?)
2) I, Me, Mine
3) Let it Be
4) Across The Universe
5) All You Need is Love
And now I've decided that this isn't a very good list cause there are like 200 better songs than these, but at the same time; not better. Its more of a confusing type of thing. Basically take quantum physics and apply it to the Beatle's, blink 3 times, clap your hand and maybe you'll understand my crazy head.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Once Again Cool Date
So now it is like the 11th hour on the 11th day at the 11th minute of the 11th year. Oh, and probably if you're looking at this correctly its probably the 11th second.
That has to be good luck right? Cause when you look at the clock at 11:11 on any normal day, its one free wish or good luck. So what do I get tomorrow? 23 wishes? Extra good luck?
Who knows.
I'll make a wish though...um....here we go.......do...do...do...doo....do.doo.dodo......do.doodoo...okay, wish done now.
Happy Cool Thingy!
Epic Fail!
So basically I was doing some homework when I looked outsider and saw a bunch of birds at my homemade bird feeder. So I run, grab my new camera, put on the super spectacular lens and sneak outside to snap some photos. I was so concentrated on getting the pictures before the birds ran away, I didn't mess / adjust any of the settings. There were just typical birds: Dark Eyed Junco's especially, and a couple of Mourning Doves, oh, and maybe a Western Scrub Jay. Anyways, I just imported them and this.
GRRRRRR. How dare you super nice camera that I have not fully learned how to use! Darn you to the awful abyss of evil stuff that irritates me ! They weren't that cool but just birds. I saw a Tonwsend's Solitaire and a Cassin's Finch yesterday. Those are unusual. I saw a Sharp-Shinned Hawk too!
Happy Ultra Cool 1 Day
So this post was posted at 1 am in the 11th minute, at the 11th second, in the 1st month, on the 11th day, in the 2011th year.
So if I do this right...it is exactly 1:11:11:1:11:11
Cool! Fun. Awesome!
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Almighty Shark Ray / Bowmouth GuitarFish!
This is one cool animal. I caught one once off the shores of Coronado Island in California. It was really funny. We weren't catching anything and then my little brother had jams from IHOP and he asked if he could dip a sardine in the jelly. We all laughed and said whatever. We caught three fish, all with jelly. Moral of the story--fish with IHOP jelly.
It was really cool. It looked like a mini-sting ray. But it actually is in its own family.
WIKIPEDIA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowmouth_guitarfish
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Some Bald Eagles
Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight! So this is a juvenile because it is super splotchy white with random weird spots on it. While it doesn't have the iconic white head.
The same baby bird perching on the ice at the Great Salt Lake.
I've seen about two dozen in the last two weeks. They're pretty skittish though, hard to take pictures of.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
These are bison. They are HUGE. I'm not sure if other states really have bison, I believe they are imported to Utah because they are only on one island in the Great Salt Lake. Antelope Island. On the island there are a lot of little buffalo grills. Buffalo is pretty good. It takes like beef but a little more tender, meatier, and healthier. I really like the snow on the ground; it makes them stand out. I wanted to pet one!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Ruddy Duck
Ruddy Ducks are so pretty. Here's the link to their wikipedia page! Their bill is huge and blue. Its almost like a Northern Shoveler and its sky blue. GORGEOUS! The colors on the feathers are magnificent too. Also, the tail is so pointy. Amazing bird. Once again this was at Salt Lake so its kinda rare to see them in this cold, cold frozen weather.
Western Grebe
This is a baby / young Western Grebe. Who look identical to Clark's Grebe! They're very hard to tell the difference but the Western usually has the black cap go upon and over the red eye when clark's black cap stops above the eye.
This is at Salt Lake. Half - 5/6's the pond is forzen so its kinda cool to see water and waterfowl!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Shark Exhibit at Monteray Bay in VEGAS
I used flash to capture this octopus. He's gross!!! I took this picture and looked at it in the camera and nearly through up. He just looks disgusting! It was really dark so photos and subjects were really hard to get lighting on.
A white alligator. My friend has two alligators as pets. They're pretty cool. This looks like a crocodile now that I look at it closer. I don't really know but, a white reptile with sharp teeth that hangs out in water and can kill things!!!
Monday, January 3, 2011
New Year's Fireworks
So these are fireworks using a long exposure. Its really cool to try to capture the entire shape of a firework. These two images were my favorite. Its almost like abstract light photos only these are random and you're not moving the camera, the light from the firework is changing!
I want to wish everyone a great 2011! I know I'm going to try to make the best of it.
1) BLOG. BLOG. BLOG. I've been awful the last year of consistently blogging. I'm ending that in 2011
2) Focus on school still. Keep grades up and such.
3) Make better more controlled photos. Or even just more photos. I want to shot everything.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I'm Back!
So I've taken a pretty big break from this blog but I'm going to try to start it up again, mainly because I'm bored and need something to do. So....here we go!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Final Project
The year is almost at an end. So...that means this is the final project. I did self portraits, it includes 2 things I wished I wasn't and 2 things I wished I was and then 8 of what I am. I took some of myself and some of other people. I just wanted to tell the story of who I am. And I think I did it well. I think I told an overall story and told individual stories as well. I made the photos interesting and attractive. I'm very satisfied with this project.

What I wish I was.
I think if the student body of Waterford saw this image, they would say "HEEEEEEB!" Really loudly, and lowly cause that's what you do when you see Heeb. Heeb is a nerd. Nerd at Waterford isn't a bad thing, it is actually revered. I would love to be as nerdy or smart as Heeb. Right now he is deciding whether to go to Duke or Cornell (though choice). That is why this image is in my project. I'd love to be as nerdy and smart as Heeb. He's so nerdy and cool! I think nerds are cool, this outfit is evidence of it.
The lighting on this is absolutely terrific, most likely because I followed Mr. Slade's advice of shooting close to a big window. Perfect portrait light. I sat in front of him and shot a couple dozens of shots because Heeb is nerdy; he likes to make weird faces at the camera. So I think this one made him look the nerdiest. This is easily in my top 5 images I have ever taken.

What I wished I wasn't.
This is me. I am eating one of those delicious mini donuts. I wish I wasn't so addicted to them. It's a serous problem. I eat bags at a time. I don't wish I'd stop eating them I just wish they were healthy. I did this a little dark because I wanted to set the mood as evil. Yes. I just implied that these donuts are evil. I even believe they have brains. They control my brain and trick me into eating them. I took a couple of different poses but I wanted half the donut in my mouth and half of it in my hand and this is the result.
I like how the counter sets a "half-reflection" and I love my facial expression. I almost look guilty. Guilty that I'm eating this fattening food. Guilty that I don't care what it will do to my body. Guilty that I let a chocolate covered pastry control me~!

I am usaully really happy and giddy most of the time. Although it isn't always. I love the lines of the bricks pointing to her smile. And also the graduated contrast filter. Those two make the eyes go straight to the facial expressions. Beautiful smile.

What I wished I was
I wished I didn't care about appearances. Jamie never washes her hair, never does her hair, doesn't change out of her uniform, doesn't take showers, she just doesn't care how she looks. The world is full of poeople that think appearance is everything and I may be one of them. How you look says something about you, and people are going to judge you by the way you dress. I just wish I didn't care that they do judge me and I can say, its pointless and unneccesary to dress up and care about that stuffs

This is Jacob Silva. He's watching the Real Salt Lake play. For those of you who are reading this (no one is) who don't know who Real Salt Lake is (no one does), its a professional soccer team. I wanted to show that I really enjoy soccer and focus on it. When watching soccer I can't help but to critique players. I'll say "He shouldn't have dribbled there." outloud, annoying the other spectators to the point of suicide. I told Jacob, just watch the game, and let me take your picture. I think he changed his face a little but it captured the idea of intensity in soccer watching and the passion I have for the sport.
Editting this picture was tough. Especially the top-left corner because of the jumbotron. It was blown out and my recovery tool didn't fix it. So I put a contrast filter on that corner and made the whole image change. Everything just felt better. The focus is great and I'm glad I used a high aperture.
What I wished I was.

Awkward. Mr. Awkward. I'm pretty socially awkward. I don't really fit in with kids my own age...especially normal public school kids. I just, have never learned how to be normal. All I know how to do is do homework and play soccer. This image of Julianne Aldous shows awkwardness. The sweater and skirt don't match (stripes and chekers (there's some matching code aparently that public school kids follow)). Her eyes are off to a corner, her legs are crossed, she looks uncomfortable. The sweater is actually mine and the uncomfortableness represents how I feel with people.

What I wish I was.
I think if the student body of Waterford saw this image, they would say "HEEEEEEB!" Really loudly, and lowly cause that's what you do when you see Heeb. Heeb is a nerd. Nerd at Waterford isn't a bad thing, it is actually revered. I would love to be as nerdy or smart as Heeb. Right now he is deciding whether to go to Duke or Cornell (though choice). That is why this image is in my project. I'd love to be as nerdy and smart as Heeb. He's so nerdy and cool! I think nerds are cool, this outfit is evidence of it.
The lighting on this is absolutely terrific, most likely because I followed Mr. Slade's advice of shooting close to a big window. Perfect portrait light. I sat in front of him and shot a couple dozens of shots because Heeb is nerdy; he likes to make weird faces at the camera. So I think this one made him look the nerdiest. This is easily in my top 5 images I have ever taken.

What I wished I wasn't.
This is me. I am eating one of those delicious mini donuts. I wish I wasn't so addicted to them. It's a serous problem. I eat bags at a time. I don't wish I'd stop eating them I just wish they were healthy. I did this a little dark because I wanted to set the mood as evil. Yes. I just implied that these donuts are evil. I even believe they have brains. They control my brain and trick me into eating them. I took a couple of different poses but I wanted half the donut in my mouth and half of it in my hand and this is the result.
I like how the counter sets a "half-reflection" and I love my facial expression. I almost look guilty. Guilty that I'm eating this fattening food. Guilty that I don't care what it will do to my body. Guilty that I let a chocolate covered pastry control me~!

I am usaully really happy and giddy most of the time. Although it isn't always. I love the lines of the bricks pointing to her smile. And also the graduated contrast filter. Those two make the eyes go straight to the facial expressions. Beautiful smile.

What I wished I was
I wished I didn't care about appearances. Jamie never washes her hair, never does her hair, doesn't change out of her uniform, doesn't take showers, she just doesn't care how she looks. The world is full of poeople that think appearance is everything and I may be one of them. How you look says something about you, and people are going to judge you by the way you dress. I just wish I didn't care that they do judge me and I can say, its pointless and unneccesary to dress up and care about that stuffs

This is Jacob Silva. He's watching the Real Salt Lake play. For those of you who are reading this (no one is) who don't know who Real Salt Lake is (no one does), its a professional soccer team. I wanted to show that I really enjoy soccer and focus on it. When watching soccer I can't help but to critique players. I'll say "He shouldn't have dribbled there." outloud, annoying the other spectators to the point of suicide. I told Jacob, just watch the game, and let me take your picture. I think he changed his face a little but it captured the idea of intensity in soccer watching and the passion I have for the sport.
Editting this picture was tough. Especially the top-left corner because of the jumbotron. It was blown out and my recovery tool didn't fix it. So I put a contrast filter on that corner and made the whole image change. Everything just felt better. The focus is great and I'm glad I used a high aperture.
What I wished I was.

Awkward. Mr. Awkward. I'm pretty socially awkward. I don't really fit in with kids my own age...especially normal public school kids. I just, have never learned how to be normal. All I know how to do is do homework and play soccer. This image of Julianne Aldous shows awkwardness. The sweater and skirt don't match (stripes and chekers (there's some matching code aparently that public school kids follow)). Her eyes are off to a corner, her legs are crossed, she looks uncomfortable. The sweater is actually mine and the uncomfortableness represents how I feel with people.

What I wished I was.
Asians. I wished I was Asian. Well, I wish was like most the Asians I know. Tony and Gene who are featured in this photo are my two favorite Asians. Tony is a flippin' genius. Gene is one of the funniest kids I know. If I was a little more like them, I'd be happy. Also, Asians are more dedicated on average. LOOK AT THEM. THEIR FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. Soak the image in and tell me, you don't wish you were them. They look happy.
So this is of my brother Elliott. I love birds and trying to identify them in binocs. I think the contrast in this is fantastic. I love that I love birds. I just think they are the coolest animals ever. Well, I don't know if its that or if its the idea that they are so different. Maybe its both!
I'm a tease. Not going to lie. I love just making jokes and mocking things and people. I think this picture of my other brother captures the idea pretty well. His eyes just tell me "I enjoy laughing." I would have liked Graham to change out of his waterford uniform...I don't think it helps the image, I should have done a prank shirt or something.

I'm so addicted to the computer, it bothers me. That's why this image has its darks. I wanted to set a mood of bad. However, I just accept that I'm addicted and don't do much to fix it. Although I deleted my facebook. I love how is hand is on the computer and he looks so focused into the computer! I also like the table's reflection.
Elliott looks so addicted and into it.
Elliott looks so addicted and into it.
I hate staying up studying at night. Although I do it almost every night. I made this picture a little dark too to show I don't like, but once again I've accepted it. I just say, "This will help my GPA." Its really hard and not fun stuff. I used the timer and focused on a feild marker that marked my distance.

What I wish I wasn't.

What I wish I wasn't.
More like what I hope to never be. My dad is obsessed with eating healthy now. We can't have anything. I had vegan cereal with soy milk this morning for breakfast. That's how evil it is. I love this photo. I like how I made him hold it above his head showing how important it is to him. I love the focus and I like how he is wearing a white shirt. It makes the DVD seem more important.
I didn't include this in my 12, although I thought about it.
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